1. You know that moment when you a get a text that HAD to have been sent by someone who was drunk? Except---- said friend doesn't even drink. You mean you're that bold and crazy when you're sober?? THIS is why we're friends; because we just say it like we think it. Cheers for honesty and contrary to popular belief- most things in life are twice as funny sober than slammed.
2. The good new is I made it to 3 crossfit classes this week. The bad news is YES............I still hate wallballs!!
3. Fake Christmas tree or real Christmas tree? I have always sworn that fake trees aren't really authentic, but the thought of watering a real tree has been enough to convince me to start flirting with a fake tree........we shall see.
3. Fake Christmas tree or real Christmas tree? I have always sworn that fake trees aren't really authentic, but the thought of watering a real tree has been enough to convince me to start flirting with a fake tree........we shall see.
4. Hello State of Montana souvenir!! The sweetheart even signed it for me, and thanked me for wearing my seat-belt.
5. The best way to stay away while driving boring roads at 3 am is to hold your fingers outside the window until they are cold enough to crack in half. Or you can try coffee. But the freeze-your-hands-off-method is definitely fun and unconventional.
6. Ross........do you HAVE to be so stinking funny?? repeat repeat repeat repeat. I laugh until I cried.
How do you stay awake while driving at night??
Favorite FRIENDS character?