Monday, September 16, 2013

Five Posts I Always Read.

If you've been blog hopping this month, you've probably run across 5 or 10 (or 125) blog posts entitled 'Five Posts I Never Read'. 
The concept intrigued me and I found it fascinating until 6 blogs posts later I realized I pretty much only write posts that people never read. Good thing my sister loves me and will read every post no matter what. :) On that slightly depressing note, I decided to put my own Curly Pink Runner spin on that blog post theme. 
I'd much rather talk about what I LOVE than what I don't love (spiders, weak coffee and being late) so here are some super duper posts that I geek out whenever I find in my reader.
(Disclaimer; I am by no means accusing anyone of 'bashing' other bloggers by sharing their opinions on what posts they don't like to read. It's not hateful, and I get it, I promise.) 

Five Posts I Always Read. 

Race Recaps. 
And if it's your first race of that distance, I'll probably read it twice. Simply put, I enjoy it when an athlete takes the time to consolidate their thoughts on their recent achievement. I believe in celebrating our achievements, analyzing them for future improvement and sighing with satisfaction with a job well done. (Some races SUCK, and writing about it can help get it out of your system.) Race recaps are awesome, keep them coming! (I just tricked you into running more simply for the sake of securing me as a permanent blog reader. I'm so sneaky like that. You can thank me when you place in your next race!) Tell me about how you ate your sports beans at mile 5, felt like dying in mile 6 and then finished in a pool of sweat that swept your future love interest off their feet. I'm all ears.

Your world-traveling posts.

Travel pops up among my top 5 favorite ways to enjoy life and I have an undying loving for exploring this amazing country. Time and dinero won't allow me to always travel as much as I'd like so I love exploring via your posts. And for those of you who live in absolutely beautiful and fantastic states (ahem, any state with over-grown hills typically referred to as 'mountains'), I'm okay if you travel out your back door, take some pictures and post them. A trip to the mailbox, when it includes the rockies is totally blog-worthy. 

Any post and every post with the word 'Pancake' in the title.
And if you have the words 'chocolate', 'pumpkin', 'banana' or 'peanut butter' in your title preceding the word pancake, I will print copies of your blog post and hang them above my bed. I'm not even going to pretend to have a normal relationship with pancakes. If you ever need to bribe me, you now know what works.
Any post including minions.
I may or may not be a full grown adult, but please take a moment to appreciate the adorableness of minions. Moment taken. You may proceed with your life with an even bigger smile on your face than you had before and not a doubt in your mind that I'm 100% crazy.

Your Blonde Moments.
It's nice to know that I'm not the only one who turns on the blender without the lid, forgets to put my car in park (Seth, I forgot to tell you about that!!), wears white shorts on a run in the rain and tells the cashier to 'have a nice weekend' on a Tuesday. A sense of humor is one of the most attractive things in life and on your blog. I laugh with you, you laugh with me and the world becomes a brighter place. 


  1. I LOVE RACE RECAPS! They're so much fun to read. Also, haha to you telling the cashier to have a good weekend.

  2. Haha, yes! Totally guilty of writing the posts that people 'never' read! Race recaps are great. I love knowing what people do and don't read so I can try and alter my writing to suit a bigger audience :)P.S. I love posts called 'Posts I love to read' :)

  3. I actually haven't seen this trend going around yet, and your positive spin is the first one I have seen..WHOO! Races and travel posts are the best!

  4. What a great post! And for the record, I read all your posts! I may fall behind and read them way after the fact, but I do read them all!! :)

  5. I enjoy reading race recaps too! It is fun to read about races all over the country and reviews about them.
