Thursday, August 29, 2013

Summer REcapped.

Summer isn't my favorite season, and I'm never particularly sad to see it go. Something about boxing up those piles of shorts and flips-flops (or, if you're like me' continuing to wear them around the house even during the dead of winter while mumbling about how cold I am) makes the departure of summer just a tad bittersweet. I'm not going to complain, because when summer slips away, the most beautiful season ever begins!

But this summer passed with lightening speed and for the first time ever, I've had just a tinge of sadness as it winds to a close. This sadness is quickly erased with a visit to pinterest and the one hundred and sixty recipies for protein pumpkin pancakes.......

I was pretty quiet on the blog the past few months, which hardly tells the tale of the summer I lived. A few glimpses of the many full and busy days of summer 2013.

Blueberry picking- one of my favorite summer activities! I spent a morning in the patch with my nephews and nieces one wretchedly humid July morning and the fruits of our labors were well worth it.

 My beautiful niece and her mother- can you believe that she's the mother of 6 children?!?! Teach my your youthful secrets, oh wise one. 

Visits from friends complete with coffee, walks on old dirt roads and talking for we-lost-count-of-how-many-hours straight.

Suppers at the baseball diamond. 

Throwing hay and enjoying every hard-earned blister. 

Crossfit workouts that try to take your life.

Photo shoots for newly engaged friends......... outrageously busy 6 weeks at work and daily reminders of just how much I freaking love my job.

Running to avoid the heat, beat insomnia and get my miles in before work. Average running time on any given day; 0300, which is 3am for the military-time challenged.

Picnics with the little people.

Tell me your favorite 2013 summer memory??

1 comment:

  1. I am so ready for fall!! Washington has pretty nice summers, but fall is by far my favorite!! This summer was a bit crazy for me and I am not really sad to put this one behind me! That video of the leaf falling was so good.
